Argyraina, Mykonos - Greece, 84600


The most frequently asked questions about my services
How do I know when I need to contact a therapist/psychologist?

There are many reasons a family may seek a mental health professional. Some examples are:

  • There is a problem in parent-child communication.
  • There are disagreements or questions about parenting between the guardians.
  • The family has experienced trauma (death, separation, illness, etc.).
  • The child presents with developmental issues.
  • The child/adolescent exhibits aggressive behaviors, anxiety, phobias, depression, etc.
  • They often complain of pains that have no medical cause.
  • Sudden changes in their behavior have been observed (eating habits, school performance, sleeping difficulties, etc.)
  • Difficulties creating and maintaining relationships with peers.
What will happen in the first meeting?

The first meeting is about getting to know you and your family and takes place only with the parents.

In this appointment you can talk about the reasons that prompted you to come to me. We will analyze your child's history and set goals based on the problems or requests you may have.

The parental counseling sessions are carried out in the same way.

When will I see results?

This question is not one that has a clear answer.

The results depend not only on the psychologist-psychotherapist but also on the client and external factors of their daily life.

There is a frequent open dialogue with the guardians based around the goals set during the first meeting and the changes they observe so that we can see if we are moving in the right direction. If several sessions pass and there is no improvement I can recommend another therapist

What if I need to cancel a session?

Because there is an understanding that life and children are unpredictable, I will try to reschedule your appointment depending on availability. If a rescheduled appointment cannot be agreed upon, a 24 hour notice is required otherwise the full fee is charged.

My child has a cold, but we have a session. What can I do;

 If you, or your child have a cold or are feeling ill please let me know before your arrival so that I can take all necessary measures to avoid contamination and infecting clients that may be vulnerable.
